I am a bit in survival mode this month. A much loved young mother, wife and friend in our street has passed away and she has left a very big hole in our lives. I know if she were here she would want me to pass on this really important message. WEAR YOUR SUNSCREEN!!! And have your skin checked. Queensland has the world's highest death rate from melanoma so be aware of our hot hot sun.
So....I am trying to live in the moment and suck up all of life's goodness because that is how Helen lived and she has inspired me to try and do the same.
So...here are some of my favourite things from the last week or so.....
Glorious glorious jacarandas. This is my favourite time of year and always makes me high.
Coming home from lunch with my old nursing buddies and finding these three laughing on the trampoline
My little girl finally getting the hula hoop moves
My wondrous hollyhocks finally flowering
To get some idea of their height (over 2 metres), the wire fence is about as high as my chest.
My new petunias. I have a tendency to be morose in the mornings so I go and open the front door and drink in these colours in the morning sunshine. They always put a smile on my face.
The flower garden outside our study. I tried to get Kip to pose for this photo but he had a fat juicy new bone and wouldn't cooperate.
I hope everyone is having a lovely week.